The Giants Grave

The signpost said "The Wedge Tomb." When we stopped for directions from a local Irishman he asked
"Do ye mean the Giants Grave?" and guided us "A hundred yards past the Ol' church on the right."

We thanked him and went on our way. 


Arriving at the "Giants Grave" we found a structure of boulders surrounded by rocks that made a stone circle. These outside stones were shin high- some perhaps as tall as our knees.

photo by Katie Jo

I could see that the tomb was facing East to West just like the Grange Stone Circle we had just come from. Oriented to the path of the rising sun. A small lake between them. It wasn't lost on me- the understanding of ancient cultures belief and modern science that water amplifies, electrifies and charges energy. In ancient ceremony by those who were sometimes called the Druids; shallow trenches around stone circles were filled with water and water was a key element in their sacred practices. The stars and moon reflecting in the surface; creating the mirror of above and below. Mirrors, are a fairly new invention compared to these stone circles and ceremonies. But whether water or mirror, the purpose was to shift consciousness into a different reality. Mirrors/Reflections can act as portals into new perspective. Opening windows into possibilities.

photo by Katie Jo

I felt drawn to climb into the tomb the way initiates would have long ago. Entering in the East, lying in the  "tomb" to replicate and represent "death." Death of who I have been and climbing out towards the West; symbolizing birth into the new life I choose to have. The birth canal of change and transformation. 


 photo by Katie Jo

Is this world a death from the world that was? Is death simply a birth? Is the light at the end of the tunnel the birth canal? From pre-existence to the present, and from this present life to the next? When we leave the pre-existence; is it a death? 

As I like to say, "No one knows what happens after we die - except dead people." 

I entered through the small entrance, the musty fragrance of moss and damp earth filling my nostrils. Crawling below boulders that weighed tons and trusting that today was not the day they fell.

Spider webs clung to me like ghostly fingertips reaching out to touch my hair and face. A bed of empty snail shells the size of dimes, insect and worm carcasses met me as my hands and knees felt them crunching. 

Taking deep breaths, assuaging my fears and keeping my phobias at bay, I turned to lie on my back in the moist dark soil. Facing my fears as hundreds of small pill bugs squirmed over the lichen spotted rock a mere hands-width from my face. 

photos by Katie Jo

"Angels, Beings, Guides; Highest Realm, Highest Light- any activations or awareness that I'm meant to have for my greatest destiny path- I choose to receive." I quickly spoke- my eyes darting across the insect ridden enclosure reminding me of the Indiana Jones Temple of Doom movie. 

I paused, shallow breaths, waiting. I had no ball of light or cosmic flash of awakening. I literally waited just long enough so that if my Spiritual Support Team had anything to offer while I lie in that decomposing sarcophagus- there was enough time to receive it. 

I knew the proper way to exit was to to the West and I shimmied myself out. 

photo by Katie Jo

My travel companions laughed at me as I frantically brushed dirt, leaves, bugs, and moss off of me and out of my hair. 

It was clear; none of them felt impressed at all to replicate my experience for the "chance" of a spiritual activation from the heavens. Or perhaps, they were aware that they could receive the same energetic adjustment without cozying up to arachnids.

We spent some more time there, Suzanna walked in the tall vibrant grass around the outer circle of stones, as the rest of us noticed dragonflies following her like baby ducks trail behind their mama. As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, we knew our visit to the grave was done and trekked our way back to the car parked a a few meters away, before navigating our way to Limerick, Ireland and our hotel.

It's impossible to be at these sacred sites and not wonder who built them and why. To imagine the beings of the beginning placing these energetic epicenters upon the planet for reasons known to them. Why and how they were used is unclear. A wide spectrum of opinions on the purpose of these sites is available. As I visit them, walk on the land, touch the stones that hands have shaped and placed before me- perhaps it's possible to touch another time and dimension. Perhaps they sense me as I sense them.

Perhaps it's all imagination. 

photo by Katie Jo

photo by Katie Jo

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