Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah

There are two places in the world most known for salt flats. Bolivia and Utah.

These salt crystals are the fractal posterity of ancient oceans. Water soaked soil that bakes in the sun as crystalline gems grow and reflect. 

The Salt Flats in Utah are fabled with extra terrestrial folklore- the sound of derby engines roar in the distance- reminding us that world records for land speed have been broken here. 

But, for us, we gathered to connect to this sacred place, using breath and guidance. Suzanna Rose, a psychic medium channel who translates from dimensions beyond, known and unknown, was told to gather with a small circle of others. To unite in purpose in clearing out discordant energies from the world. 


photo credit Katie Jo

These ancient oceans are still alive and connected to the land and water, the wisdom and consciousness of oneness- as water is one. All waves are really the ocean. All raindrops, all rivers, all misty explosions that billow from waterfalls and cloudscapes- are really just ocean- and as we connect to this mighty and benevolent force, we connect to all, through all, and past time and space. All history is recorded in the water droplets, they tell the story of the world, including the time before humans existed. 

photo credit Katie Jo

With compasses we aligned to North, East, South, West. NorthEast, SouthEast, NorthWest, SouthWest. 

With bowls from across the globe, made of gold, silver, and copper; over a thousand years old, handcrafted and hammered in the fires of Tibet by skilled and intuitive artisans, dedicated in reverence for ascension and tools of enlightenment.

It was shifting. It was profound. It was healing.

photo credit Katie Jo

photo credit Katie Jo

photo credit Katie Jo

photo credit Katie Jo

photo credit Katie Jo

photo credit Katie Jo

What to wear and bring to the Salt Flats:

Water. With the salt in the air and ground- it's easy to get dehydrated. Also, with the sun reflecting from the sky and ground it can be depleting as heat is amplified. 

Sunscreen and Hat. I wore sunscreen and my face still got burned.

Good Shoes. I ended up taking my shoes off temporarily and enjoyed the energy of the land through the soles of my feet, but the ground can be sharp as the salt has solidified in the fluctuations between moisture and heat.

Blanket. The ground is textured and abrasive, but the energy is potent. I had a small thick foldable rug that I set my bags on and used to sit. Bringing my camera gear, I didn't want the bag or gear to get salt granules inside.

Compass. There are many apps you can get on your phone now, but if you go far from the parking lot- it can be hard to discern north from south, there aren't many landmarks to guide yourself by. We had good cell coverage everywhere we were. 

What not to bring:

Trash. We didn't eat on the flats and were careful not to leave anything behind. There are rest stops close by with picnic tables and clean bathrooms.

We are here to serve the world. To connect to sacred places and share the energy of oneness and unity. Would you like to come? Go here: Sacred Earth Work

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